Vertys Templus Line (temporary resins) is now enriched by new project: “Monomassa”
Vertys Templus by Claudio Nannini.
All the resins “Monomassa” Vertys Templus are suitable with the traditional Vertys Templus Line.
For bridges, crowns, implant bridge, denture.
Light colour indicated for aesthetic temporary. This colour was designed also for the clinic that want to realize direct temporary.
Starting from this light base you can obtain the colour you desire, adding the Intensive Orange.
The base of the “Monomassa” MM-1 correspond to pattern A1 Shade guide VITA.

For bridges, crowns, implant bridge, denture.
The right mix of dentine, enamels and intensives has allowed that this “Monomassa” was perfectly designed for 90% of all temporaries workings. The base of this “Monomassa” MM-2 is a mix between pattern
A2 / A3 Shade guide VITA.
Using the Intensive Orange you can reach the colour you want.

For bridges, crowns, implant bridge, denture.
Intense colour whose base is a pattern A3,5. Hot tonality. Indicated for A3,5 / A4 Shade guide VITA workings. It is possible to further intensify the colour with the Intensive Orange.

For bridges, crowns, implant bridge, denture.
That Colour is similar to pattern D3 but with more transparency. Instead, in thicker areas, this “Monomassa” is more saturated.
The results is a beautiful resin, equilibrated in transparency and Colourd by some grey reflexes.
The base of “Monomassa” MMG-1 is the pattern D3 Shade guide VITA.

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