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Moon Next
















Twins on the outside, different on the inside

Moon Next overturns the classic, technical and aesthetic canons, which want completely different equipment and are then simply coupled.

It is an integrated system, designed and built as if it were a single piece of equipment.

It is aimed above all at the Dental Practice or as an alternative to the Dental Laboratory which is approaching 3D Printing for the first time.

What is the Moon Next system?


It consists of two aesthetically identical equipment:

Moon Next M1 (Module 1): a 2K LCD printer

Moon Next M2 (Module 2): a module that acts as washing machine and at the same time by photopolymerizer

Moon Next M1


Risoluzione XY

25 mn

Risoluzione Z

125 mn

Volume di stampa

11,5 x 6,5 x H 15,5 cm


LCD 2K   UV-LED 405 nm 


3,5" Full Color


2,0 cm /h


Tutti da 385 - 405 mn


USB / Ethernet


50 W


230 x 230 x H 400 mm


8 Kg


Open Source

Even more simple!


A high-resolution LCD printer with pre-set resin parameters, capable of printing even biocompatible resins.

Post-printing is even simpler, once the cycle is finished, the Print plate is inserted directly into Module 2, from here on everything is managed automatically, both washing and photopolymerization.

                 Moon Next Helper

Practical and interchangeable


With Moon Next Helper you are able to comfortably transfer the printing plate from the production phase to the post-production phase. In this way you will be able to avoid accidental dripping into the work environment since the practical washable tray acts as a protective barrier.

Moon Next M2

Wash and dry

We move on to the post-printing phase in the Moon Next M2 Module: this machine is able to manage washing and drying, just place the printing plate in the special trolley, the whole machine will take care of the rest!

Light cures and sanitizes

Also in the Moon Next M2 module, after washing and drying, the photopolymerization process of the printing plate begins. All in the same machine! Furthermore, the power of UV rays allows the sanitization of the printed piece.

               Vasca di lavaggio

And Inside ..

The convenient wash tank in thermo-molded aluminum can be easily removed and cleaned. Our customer only has to worry about loading the STL file, putting the resin in the tray and pressing “Start”. Vertys Splash> Wash Liquid can be reused: you can light cure the liquid, remove the light cured resin layer and reuse it for another 20 washes.

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